My portfolio also includes writing case studies, assessments and guidance documents, as well as comprehensive analyses on topics related to sustainable procurement.
I identify relevant examples, do scientific research, conduct interviews (bilingual, if required) and write the requested content for you as well as for third parties. Being multilingual is one of my great advantages- I am a native German and English speaker, am conversationally fluent in French and Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian and have a basic knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia and Spanish.
Gender-responsive Public Procurement:
Step-by-step toolkit
European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE); Research, writing chapters, case studies and tools. (co-author)
Sustainable Public Procurement How to "Wake the Sleeping Giant" – Introducing the United Nations Environment Programme's Approach
Second Edition
UN Environment;
Research, writing chapters & case studies
(co-author & co-editor)
Innovation, consistency and expertise to improvements along the supply chain – Practical examples of socially responsible IT procurement
Mit Innovation, Konsequenz und Expertise zu Verbesserungen entlang der Lieferkette – Praxisbeispiele sozial-verantwortlicher IT-Beschaffung
Bündnis Eine Welt Schleswig-Holstein e. V. (BEI); Selection, research and writing of case studies (author)
Themenheft „Veranstaltungen & Catering“
Events & Catering
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe
Research, Writing chapters & case studies
Procuring Innovative and Sustainable
Construction – European Public Authority Snapshots
Snapshots – prepared in the context of the "SCI-Network “
Research, writing chapters & case studies (co-author & co-editor)”
Sustainability Training – sustainable public procurement made easy.
Die Vorteile fairer öffentlicher Beschaffung im Kontext der Charta Faire
Metropole Ruhr, Netzwerk Faire Metropole Ruhr (Autorin)
Sustainable Public Procurement: General advisory approaches for GIZ projects
GIZ (Co-Author)
Dr. Franziska Singer
Bauerstraße 17, 80796 München
+49 176 23 80 55 83